Monday, July 27, 2009

Bath Time

I was letting Gracie Jo eat some of my ice cream when all of a sudden she puts her hand in the bowl and starts eating it. Well then she decided to eat it like she was a "key" (kitty). So since I let her get messy I gave her a bubble bath. Jodi tried the bubbles a couple days ago and she was indifferent to them. She pretty much saw it as the bubbles were trying to hide her toys. But since I showed her that you can put them on your face and on the side of the tub they were more fun. While she was playing I decided to wash her hair. While rinsing her hair which by the way she hates she decided to put bubbles in her hair. Every time I tried to rinse the bubbles out she would put more in her hair and look and me and then giggle. Then she decided to rinse her own hair with bubble water.... I hope I got all the bubbles out of her hair.
Gracie's bubbly Mohawk!

Josp Hine

My name is Josephine or Josey. I am a senior in high school. I am 17 years old with only 13 weeks to go till I am 18. I love spending time with my family and friends,going to baseball games, singing and meeting new people. I really really love spending time with Gracie who is the best baby in the world who can make me laugh no matter what. Her parents are pretty cool too. I enjoy going on dates with my boyfriend. My favorite thing is going to Brewers games with Gracie and Zach.