Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a night!

So yesterday my mom took Bret, Zach, and I to the waterpark. I was so much fun. There were quite a few people who were annoying. They were kids who were not being watched by anyone. They were loud and were jumping in the hot tub and just OBNOXIOUS!. We were there from like 3:30 till close which was 10.
On the car ride home mom told us the story where one morning she went to Mcdonalds for breakfast and ordered a sandwich and they never told her her total or anything. She waited there for a bit and nothing so she pulled around to the next window and they lady at the window was not paying any attention to her. Soon from the door came a guy with a bag of money. Oh so thats why nobody was taking my order. Well the man who robbed Mcdonalds threw the bag of money. If your gonna rob something dont just throw the money. So she went to cousins because Mcdonalds could not do any orders right now. And at cousins the were open but they were out of bread. Its 10am and there is no bread. Well all I can say is it sucked to be her that day.

Then I had to take Zach home. Boy was he in for a ride. SO I was eating dry cereal because I was hungry and I looked over at him and said I wish I had a bowel some milk and a spoon. And he goes why? J-Because I want some cereal. I will only eat it at red lights. Z-why will you only eat it at red lights? J- well how do you expect me to eat it. I would have my hands on the bowl and spoon do you want me to drive with me knees? So he was making fun of me the whole ride home. We passed a Mcdonalds and I was like I could get a spoon some milk and a big cup from them and then have my cereal....It was a joke.I finally got my cereal this morning. Zach is coming over today for more fun Josey blonde moments! So stay tuned


Jodi said...

Silly girl, get a cup of milk and DRINK the cereal. No spoon needed. One hand-you can still drive. :)

Josephine Marie said...

thanks for the tip