Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A night at Ariana's house

So lately I have been spending a lot of time with Ariana. We are really close and pretty much inseperable. So while I was at her house she acted out our friend Emily who was walking up the upstairs but slipped on the carpeted stairs and somehow managed to then slide down the flight of stairs on her stomach. Her mom called her and her brother Robert down stairs for dinner and so I said to her "Josey you can come down for dinner". And then I continued to say I should wait for her to call me to dinner because I don't want to go downstairs and be rude and just help myself. So she went downstairs and when her mom finally asked where I was she was like. Oh Josey did not want to just invite herself to dinner and be rude so she is chilling in my room. So then her mom called me to dinner and I came down the stairs giggly as normal. And yeah it was just fun to mess with her mom. Then I asked my aunt if one more person could be in the limo for prom well that is because she did not have a group and I did not want her to be alone. So I said to Debbie (through a text) can one more person fit in the limo. And she was like I would say so as long as she is not a hippo....jk lol yeah it was one of those you should have been there moments. But me and my twin thought it was FUNNY! Boy what a night!